Friday, January 6, 2012


"when you devote yourself to the divine reading ... seek the meaning of divine words which is hidden from most people" - Origen Adamantius

I was first introduced to the idea of Lectio Divina ("divine reading") though the Little Book series that I've always enjoyed reading during the Advent and Lent liturgical seasons of the Church. As a part of my continuing growth in Catholicism, I've started this blog dedicated to this practice, along with my own personal interpretations on the small passages from the week's Gospel readings. I am by no means an expert... but hopefully some of the things I write will speak to you just the same.

I encourage you to read each of these passages slowly, and let each word sink in. I often got in the habit of speeding over familiar passages - but I have found I hear these words much differently when I slow down and think. Hopefully you will too.

I'll try to keep this updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.... and more often if time permits. If you enjoy this, please leave comments on the posts and provide your perspective!

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