Monday, March 19, 2012

Back Story

"Jesus said to Nicodemus: "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life." " - John 3:14-15

This is one of the more popular passages in the Bible - maybe because the phrase "John 3:16" appears in a number of places to inspire hope (or faith in a particular wrestler). The entire story of Nicodemus gives Jesus a chance, in dialog, to describe his purpose.

But there's a back story to this passage. Nicodemus is a "ruler of the Jews" (as described by John) - more accurately, he's a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin - more or less judges for the city Jesus was currently in. Nicodemus visits Jesus at night to hear his message - most likely because it would be easier if others didn't know he was there. They begin discussing the Kingdom of God, and end by discussing how Jesus's life fits into the Everlasting Life offered by God the Father, through God the Son.

No doubt pretty heavy stuff.

But Nicodemus believes - and he demonstrates his belief throughout this entire story by asking Jesus questions about how his presence fits into this overall concept. As the way a judge would during a standard inquiry. I'm sure it provided some "prepping" for Jesus closer to the end of his life, but it also provides us yet another perspective on who Jesus is. Nicodemus is asking the questions that we wish we could have asked. And Jesus is being very clear and direct with his answers.

In particular, he describes his literal death - being "lifted up" onto a cross, because of which, all will have eternal life.

As we continue with this particular Lectio Divina, keep this in mind. Jesus isn't talking to a leper, a disciple, or a peasant. He's talking to a well-learned man, in a different but very real way, in hopes to make him understand what's to come.

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