Saturday, March 17, 2012

Human Nature

"While he was in Jerusalem for the feast of Passover, many began to believe in his name when they saw the signs he was doing. But Jesus would not trust himself to them because he knew them all, and did not need anyone to testify about human nature. He himself understood it well. " - John 2:23-25

I admit that, when I first read through these three verses, I was a bit stumped by what John was meaning when he said "[he] did not need anyone to testify about human nature". Was Jesus looking for someone to testify in his place? Perhaps John was noting that Jesus didn't trust other people? But to reach a deeper understanding, I decided to look up different translations of these passages, in order to better "get" what John was trying to say.

And I think I got it.

One translation uses "wary" in place of "not trust himself" - such that "Jesus was wary of them". And once you put it in context of Passover - a time Jesus would be gathering with others in the form of (most likely) a festival, it makes more sense. No doubt there was a lot of celebrating and jubilation during this time - they were celebrating the Angel of Death passing over their houses! But there's always a few people that go too far during those times of enjoyment. And John was trying to make it clear that Jesus was NOT one of those people. He was performing signs and miracles, but in the same manner as he was before - humbly, respectfully and personally. And that, because he understood us, his mission didn't include indulging in the festivities.

I think we all kinda knew that Jesus wasn't a party animal... but it's reassuring to know that his mission maintained a level of consistency in everything he did - during the best and worst days of his life.

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