Friday, November 23, 2012

It's About Trust

"But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." - Mark 13:32

In the Bible, only one person has known the exact date life on earth was to be destroyed. Noah, who was told by God to build a really big boat, eventually listened and did as God asked him to do. By trusting in God, Noah was able to save his family - and humanity - by riding out the storm in an ark filled with animals. While this isn't quite the same as Armageddon, the people of that time would have surely thought the world was coming to an end. At least, their world was.

But the kind of destruction Jesus is preaching about isn't the same as what the people of Noah's time would have experienced. Jesus is talking about the complete, unequivocal end of the world. Not just the death of humans, but a complete upheaval and change to what we consider "our world". And while Jesus gives us clues as to how to recognize it and what it may be like, in the end we're still left wondering how and when it will happen.

Like Noah, we need to put our trust in God on this one. Jesus makes it clear that even he doesn't know when it'll happen. It's purely God's show, just as creation was. And while it may be scary, as long as we believe in God and his son, Jesus Christ, we have nothing to worry about. Whether the end times are today, tomorrow, next year or in ten thousand years, we need not worry. God loves us, will protect us, and will be with us always - whether the earth is being destroyed or not.

The world is temporary, but God is not!

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