Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It was a good try

"The man went away and began to publicize the whole matter. He spread the report abroad so that it was impossible for Jesus to enter a town openly. He remained outside in deserted places, and people kept coming to him from everywhere." - Mark 1:45

Well, it was a good try - but how could someone keep something like that secret! Sick, now healed - instantaneously, miraculously, unequivocally healed. And the townspeople were sure to notice that the outcast leper suddenly got better. So Jesus has one option - leave the town and go into seclusion. People still found him, but it was probably an easier way to minister and teach - if he had stayed in the town, it would have been chaos, and would give his detractors reasons to complain - that he was showboating, enjoying his own fame. He does the opposite - withdraws from the fame, but to a place he can keep working.

I would find it pretty hard to do what Jesus did. I'd want to spend some time enjoying the perks of my new-found fame. But this comes back to Jesus's primary mission. He's got a job to do, he knows the end, and he's running out of time. Fame is not an option - only tireless work teaching about our loving God until he has to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Thankfully, he succeeded.

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