Wednesday, February 15, 2012


"Then, warning the him sternly, he dismissed him at once. He said to him, 'See that you tell no one anything, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them.' " - Mark 1:43-44

Jesus wants this to be kept quiet - so much that he only provides instructions for the man to re-enter society ('offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed'), and not for him to tell the priest *how* he was actually healed. Jesus has a reason for this, but it's not directly explained in the following verse (45). More on that later...

I can only imagine how confused this man must have been! Once an outcast, he's now completely cleaned and can go on with his life - and, like Simon's mother-in-law, I'm sure he's feeling overjoyed and wants to shout to the hilltops how special Jesus is and how incredibly thankful he is. But instead of sitting back, taking in the gratitude (which I admit, I've done on occasion), he warns him not to say anything other than he's clean!

It's a good reminder of how Jesus lived his life, and how, as tough as it is, we should strive to live ours. To do good without recognition, to live the life God wants us to without reward, without shouting to others how good we are. Jesus references this trait in future preachings, including when he introduces how we're supposed to pray (i.e. not making a scene) through what's come to be known as the "Our Father". It's hard, and we all fail at it. But Jesus didn't - and tried his best to not let others do it for him. It's a good example to live by.

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