He's almost there - just a few more steps and his journey will be complete. But he's weak, he's human, and he falls. And those around him who wanted to see him crucified are satisfied once again. This man can't even carry his own cross! They're laughing, enjoying the scene of this man's last days.
And all because of what he said. Because of his words, these actions took place.
So when we read His words - we must remember that. We must remember that what he said was so powerful, so threatening to these men that they felt they had to kill him to make him stop. That his message made them feel he needed to be made an example of. And his message was about love - about God's love for his people, that he "so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life".
It's worth it to listen to Him.
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