Thursday, April 12, 2012

Almost There

"For they did not yet understand the scripture that he had to rise from the dead. " - John 20:9

My four year old daughter didn't want to go to sleep tonight. And instead of coming out and telling me that, she instead comes out and asks me questions. Sometimes it's if we're getting a storm tonight, sometimes it's to tell me she is scared by thunder, and sometimes it's so absurd I don't even remember what she asked, but rather tell her "just go to bed".

But tonight, she asked me a question that gave me some pause - "Daddy, why did Jesus die?". With my Uncle's recent passing, and now the Easter season, death has been a subject on her mind lately. So I responded "so all we have to do is believe in Him and we can go to heaven".

This, of course, was followed with one of the most annoying words a parent hears: "why?"

We proceeded to talk a bit (and answering many "whys"), after which she came to the conclusion that "God told Jesus he had to die for us, and Jesus did even though it hurt".

It's amazing how clear four-year-olds can think about things.

In this passage, John is reminding us that the disciples still weren't quite in-tune with what happened to Jesus. That the simplistic - and quite apt - way a modern four year old sees what happened was a foreign concept to Peter and the other followers.

But soon Jesus will appear to them. And when he does, it makes our futures - and our forevers - possible.

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