Tuesday, June 26, 2012

First Steps

"When the time arrived for Elizabeth to have her child she gave birth to a son. Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy toward her,and they rejoiced with her." - Luke 1:57-58

There's a large Jewish influence on John. Zachariah was a Jewish priest right in Jerusalem, and Elizabeth was, what Luke referred to as a "daughter of Aaron" (Luke 1:5), meaning she too comes from a priestly family. And while Zachariah and Elizabeth's plans aligned with God on having a child (and naming him John), his eventual disappearance into the desert and alignment with Jesus must have caused waves across their family. Given John's appearance, I have to believe Zachariah and Elizabeth knew he was destined for greatness and, like good parents, cut him a little slack.

But for now, John's life centers around his mom and dad. He doesn't have to worry about preaching in the desert, eating locusts and wild honey, realigning his apostles to Jesus, King Herod, or the highest honor of baptizing the Son of God.

All that will come soon enough...

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