Monday, January 30, 2012

The synagogue

"Then they came to Capernaum, and on the sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and taught. The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes." - Mark 1:21-22

Jesus was a Jew. So it was customary for him to be at the synagogue (a house of worship) on the sabbath. In fact, he would have gone to a synagogue (or someplace similar) every sabbath for his whole life - in other words, thousands of times. But today is different - and different for more than just those around him. He's teaching - not asking for others to come with, not giving names out to his new disciples, but actually teaching those around him about God and faith. And as Mark notes, he's teaching them as if he has authority - despite the fact that he's a carpenter's son, and has no official training or schooling in divinity.

But Jesus can teach from authority for a different reason - because his authority comes from God, not from other leaders of the Jewish faith. He's teaching in a way that connects directly to the hearts of his community. And, amazing as it sounds, he's teaching us - even though we're 2000 years in the future. His words still last, and have the power to guide and teach everyone, everyday.

Now that's an amazing teacher.

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